Turn/Switch + Open/Close On/Off
Some things that can be "Switched on" or "Turned on":
TV, radio, air conditioner, computer, phone, water heater, stove, oven, fan
Some things that can be "Opened" and "Closed":
door, window, cabinet, closet
[Please] Turn the TV on. (Correct)
On the TV. (Incorrect - no verb)
Open the TV. (Incorrect - wrong verb.
Turn on the air conditioner. (Correct)
Turn the air conditioner on. (Also correct)
On the air conditioner. (Incorrect - no verb)
Turn the air conditioner open. (Incorrect - wrong verb.
On the window. (Incorrect - wrong verb/no verb)
Close the window. (Correct)
Off the window. (Incorrect, wrong verb)
Write one sentence each for the following words, and use their correct verb with them. You may write either positive or negative (open/close, on/off)
Please turn the fan off. / Please turn off the fan. / Please turn the fan on. / Please turn on the fan. (One answer is enough)
Laptop, heater, stove, cabinet, iron, washing machine, door
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